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Chiropractic Patient Assessment, Laboratory Interpretation, and Risk Management provides a brief and low-price introduction to the Inflammation Mastery series of books and videos, providing a detailed overview of history and common physical examination concepts, as well as very important details and clinical pearls for laboratory interpretation. With radiographs, photos, acronyms, illustrations, flowcharts, and detailed-yet-simplifying explanations, Dr Vasquez makes it easier than ever for clinicians to grasp important concepts in integrative care and functional medicine and then to translate the basic science research and molecular biology into treatment plans that can be explained and used in “the real world” of clinical practice with patients. The associated video tutorials and recorded live conference presentations further help students and clinicians “get it” via Dr Vasquez’s effective teaching style which embraces complexity while always emphasizing clinical applicability and psychosocial context. The Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology series of books and videos translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as “patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction” existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic inflammation, 2) allergic inflammation, 3) autoimmune inflammation. This book includes limited access to Dr Vasquez’s presentation introducing the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX® acronym. Post-publication updates to this information and important social and clinical contextualization are made available in videos and online repositories (access provided in the book), and the e-newsletter available from

PDF excerpt 62 pages:

Chiropractic Patient Assessment Laboratory Interpretation and Risk Management: Introduction to Inflammation Mastery and Functional Inflammology: To keep the printing cost and sales price down to increase availability especially to students and recent graduates, the 2014 book was printed in black-white-grayscale. The excerpt provided here is of identical information (all from Chapter 1) sampled from the full-color 2016 printing of Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition, available in paper and ebook:

chiropractic laboratory cover pdf.png
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