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OPEN ENROLLMENT: Please see the Microbiome-Dysbiosis Course Syllabus (PDF) for details; that document is occasionally updated/modified/clarified, so please be sure to access the most recent and current version:
Continuing education credits: This program provides 30 hours of continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, pharmacists (and chiropractors per state approval); see Syllabus (PDF) for details.
Course overview: This course provides core knowledge in the basic science and molecular biology of dysbiosis as well as the evidence-based clinical interventions used for effective health optimization and disease treatment. Students/attendees will gain a detailed understanding of the pathophysiology, clinical presentations, and therapeutic interventions. Consideration and contextualization includes the four components of evidence-based medicine/healthcare (clinical expertise, patient preference, research evidence, resource availability/ socioeconomic context) to aid the data-analysis and treatment decision-making processes.
Topic overview: New information on the “human microbiome” and “dysbiosis” is being published on a weekly basis, and healthcare providers and the general public alike are all becoming more aware of the role of microbes in human health and disease. Clinicians need a structured understanding of this material in order to take effective clinical action and in order to separate the helpful from the hype-ful with regard to clinical assessments and therapeutic interventions.
Clinician instructor overview: Dr Vasquez (“DrV”) has been intensely studying this field since the mid-1990s when he first started studying functional medicine; what started out as a clinical and intellectual interest soon became a personal interest when DrV fell ill with a dysbiosis-induced disease. Later in clinical practice, DrV achieved impressive and sometimes amazing results by addressing the microbial component of persistent inflammatory disorders such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other forms of autoimmunity. DrV’s landmark paper Nutritional and Botanical Treatments Against “Silent Infections” and Gastrointestinal Dysbiosis, Commonly Overlooked Causes of Neuromusculoskeletal Inflammation and Chronic Health Problems (Nutr Perspectives 2006) is one of the most popular clinical papers detailing these topics, consistently ranked in the top 1% of papers on with more than 6,000 downloads. DrV previously taught this information for the Institute for Functional Medicine, where he was faculty for more than 10 years; Dr Vasquez was additionally commissioned by the Institute for Functional Medicine to produce the CME monograph Musculoskeletal Pain: Expanded Clinical Strategies (2008) which was derived in part from his Integrative Orthopedics (2004) and Integrative Rheumatology (2006) and which is now updated and expanded in Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition and mirrored in the two-volume set Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Volume 2: Protocols for Inflammatory Disorders.
Peer-reviewed Medline-indexed publications by the instructor related to this topic:
Mitochondrial Nutrition in Primary Care Integrative Medicine 2014
Role of Western Diet in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2014
Neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and CRPS is multifactorial Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2016; See syllabus (PDF) for full-text of this new article.
The Clinical Importance of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol): A Paradigm Shift with Implications for All Healthcare Providers Altern Ther Health Med. 2004
Understanding Functional Medicine by Appreciating the Web-like Interconnections of Physiologic Factors Integrative Medicine 2006
Course Content and Criteria for Successful Completion/Passing—Outline and Checklist: Students are requested to participate in any on-line/live discussions. For many people, the conversations and discussions are really where this information “comes to life” and where new perspectives can be shared and integrated. Even for students who might generally prefer to work alone, the reading of and (hopefully) participation in course discussions is ensured to provide a broader perspective on the material that what one could attain solo. Participation in any forums or live discussions is optional/ancillary and not included in the core CE/CME program.
Pretest—sampling of material: CE/CME standards encourage a pretest to assess the preexisting learning gap and to allow "before and after" comparison to assess the post-instruction attainment of knowledge. The pretest also allows students/attendees to become familiar with the software interface, test system compatibility on multiple devices, and the terminology, concepts, level of detail, and clinical applications of the information. No minimum passing score is required; students/attendees are encouraged to take the test without studying, preferably prior to reading the clinical monograph.
Clinical monograph: Books provide highly structured, organized, and concrete delivery of complex materials; the clinical monograph provides images, questions, and case reports including laboratory interpretation. The text portion of this program is approximately 144 pages printed in beautiful full-color, or discounted grayscale; both versions of the monograph are available at discount pricing as described in the syllabus (PDF). Availability of the text detailing all aspects of dysbiosis is as follows:
Online, free, plain text: The entire plain text of the book is included within the ICHNFM online learning platform at
Monograph booklet: The printed monograph is available as a stand-alone book, printed in full-color or discounted grayscale; see hyperlinks and discount codes in syllabus.
Incorporation within new texbooks: The microbiome/dysbiosis clinical monograph is now included within Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition (paper book and digital ebook) and Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Volume 1 (paper book and digital ebook).
Videos—viewing video presentations: Professionally produced and edited presentations are delivered via the learning management system (LMS) online interface; viewing is required prior to accessing the second test. Passing this section and receiving CE/CME credit requires achieving a minimum score of 70% on the second test which is specific to the presented videos. Students/attendees are allowed to take the test up to five times; the highest score is used for evaluation.
Certificate: Students/attendees print or download the Certificate of Achievement and documentation/certification of CE/CME hours after completing parts 1,2,3 described above.
Course materials: see PDF syllabus for the clinical-therapeutic importance of each individual presentation:
Printed monograph: See sample image gallery
Video # 1: Overview of Course; Major Microbial Molecules and Metabolites Audio PDF transcript
Video # 2: Physiologic and Physiologic Mechanisms of Dysbiosis SAMPLE
Video # 3: Prototypic Clinical Patterns SAMPLE
Video # 4: Testing Microbes & Treating Dysbiosis
Video # 5: Start of Dysbiosis by Location—The Mouth
Video # 6: Dysbiosis by Location—The Sinuses and Respiratory Tract
Video # 7: Dysbiosis by Location—GenitoUrinary Tract
Video # 8: Dysbiosis by Location—Blood, Tissue, Parenchymal Dysbioses
Video # 9: Dysbiosis by Location—Skin and Environmental Dysbiosis
Video # 10: Dysbiosis by Location—Gastrointestinal (gut) Dysbiosis Prototypes
Video # 11: Dysbiosis by Location—Gastrointestinal (gut) Dysbiosis Solutions: Part 1 overview SAMPLE, Part 2 treatment, Part 3 treatment, Part 4 treatmentand summary
Video # 12: Gut-Brain Connection
Video # 13: Review, Summary of Major Concepts, Preparation for Certifying Exam
Certifying Examination:
Get the new clinical protocols: Inflammation Mastery 4th Ed
Not simply a "book": 1,182 pages in color + more than 20 hours of video access
Discount via ICHNFM.ORG: US$170 plus shipping and handling (retail: US$250 plus shipping and handling)
Updates: Includes and bypasses everything from the previous editions published as Integrative Rheumatology (2), Naturopathic Rheumatology, Functional Inflammology and Functional Medicine Rheumatology; complete overhaul/expansion/update of the migraine and fibromyalgia protocols.
Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition provides everything from laboratory interpretation to the details of fatty acid biochemistry and mitochondrial dysfunction and hormonal imbalances/correction in one convenient location with a complete index. Also available as a two-volume set titled Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Peer-reviewed: Yes, as you can see in the large PDF sample on page 6; see also:
Mitochondrial Nutrition in Primary Care Integrative Medicine 2014
Role of Western Diet in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2014
Neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and CRPS is multifactorial Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2016; full-text of this article is printed in the book
The Clinical Importance of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol): A Paradigm Shift with Implications for All Healthcare Providers Altern Ther Health Med. 2004
Understanding Functional Medicine by Appreciating the Web-like Interconnections of Physiologic Factors Integrative Medicine 2006