Putting the Genomic Cart before the Phenotypic Horse: An Early Outline of the Argument Against Routi
The hyperenthusiasm for "genomics" is basically the religious-like belief in Scientific Positivism, ie, that the endless pursuit of...

Energy failure (mitochondrial dysfunction) contributes to chronic pain, migraine
New integrated models of disease are allowing for better insight and more effective treatments for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome...

Book excerpt: Erroneous Dichotomies Permeate Pharmacocentric Medicine
"In Western societies, one of the dominating paradigms has been that of “man versus nature”, which is commonly represented in history,...

VIDEO: NAC for mTOR inhibition — a breakthrough for lupus/SLE and autoimmune treatment
Casual overview: Thankfully, mTOR is a nice short abbreviation in place of the cumbersome common name "Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin"...
Ending the Exploitation of Experts Begins with Educating Them about Employment, Empowerment, and Opt
Oh, the stories I could tell you about the innards of Academia: I would be happiest to tell you that Academics and Administrators are...